Concise Minutes - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: Monday, 7 February 2022

Meeting time: 14.00 - 14.46
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Jack Sargeant MS (Chair)

Luke Fletcher MS

Joel James MS

Buffy Williams MS


Committee Staff:

Gareth Price (Clerk)

Mared Llwyd (Second Clerk)

Kayleigh Imperato (Deputy Clerk)



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies.


Joel James declared that he’s a member of BASC, the British association for Shooting and Conservation, which may have relevance to three petitions during the meeting.




2       Evidence session - P-06-1207 Start referring to Welsh cities and towns by their Welsh names - has been postponed until 7 March

The evidence session was postponed until 7 March.




3       New Petitions



3.1   P-06-1231 Introduce greener ‘bee-friendly' bus stops across Wales

The Committee noted that the Welsh Government considers green infrastructure initiatives a priority and that the Local Authority Green Infrastructure Assessments should drive the next steps locally. Therefore it agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.




3.2   P-06-1234 The new Heads of the Valley road should not be restricted to 50 mph

The Committee noted that the road has been heavily scrutinised, including at a public inquiry, and was designed and built to operate with a 50mph maximum speed limit. Now that it’s open, the dual carriageway should be safer than the old 3 lane single carriageway, therefore the Committee agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.




3.3   P-06-1239 Cancel GCSE Exams in Wales

The Committee noted that the Government has been clear that it intends for exams to go ahead this year although contingencies are in place if the public health situation does not make it possible for the exams to go ahead. The Committee acknowledge the stresses faced by young people during this period but noted that it is difficult to see what further action they could take on the petition. It agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.




3.4   P-06-1241 Welsh government to meet with a wider audience of unpaid carers

Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He met with the petitioner at a round table event in 2021.

The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to highlight the petition to the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee and see if there will be scope in the future for the petitioner to engage in any inquiries or evidence-gathering sessions on the issue.




3.5   P-06-1242 Improve Endometriosis Healthcare in Wales

The Committee agreed to:




3.6   P-06-1244 In remembrance of Aberfan, rename the George Thomas Hospital

Luke Fletcher MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:


He knows the petitioner.

The Committee agreed to write to Cwm Taf Local Health Board to seek their views on the petition.


When the response from the health board is received the Committee will forward it on to the petitioner and close the petition. 




3.7   P-06-1245 Diverse and equal representation in the Senedd

The Committee agreed to forward the petition to the Special Committee on Senedd Reform for consideration in their work programme, thank the petitioner and close the petition.




4       Updates to previous petitions



4.1   P-05-1010 An independent inquiry into the 2020 flooding in Rhondda Cynon Taf so that lessons are learned

The Committee noted that the Government has confirmed it will deliver an independent review of the S19 reports. In light of this, the Committee agreed to congratulate the petitioner on this and the other positive outcomes of their petitioning, including the greater consideration of the mental health impacts in future investment in flood alleviation, and closed the petition.




4.2   P-05-1097 Ban game bird cages

Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He is member of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.

The Committee noted that the Welsh Government have provided assurance regarding consulting stakeholders when they progress the review of the Code although they are unable to provide a specific timescale at present due to the impact of the Avian flu, Covid and Brexit. In light of the assurance from the Minister, the Committee agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.



4.3   P-05-1112 Help Welsh Communities Buy Community Assets: Implement Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011

Luke Fletcher MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He knows the petitioner.

The Committee agreed to keep the petition open pending the Minister’s next update.




4.4   P-06-1201 Ban the shooting of critically endangered birds...give them the protection they so desperately need

Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He is member of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.

The Committee agreed to write back to the Minister asking the Welsh Government to:




4.5   P-06-1202 Ban the killing of day old chicks in Wales

Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He is member of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.

The Committee agreed to write back to the Minister to:


And also agreed to close the petition on that basis.



4.6   P-06-1254 Demand that all depictions of our dragon have a penis

The Committee closed the petition.



4.7   P-06-1246 Drop the limit on outdoor gatherings and allow community events to continue

The Committee noted the further correspondence received from the petitioner and agreed to close the petition, as now that the regulations are easing, there is no further action to be taken.




5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from item 6 of the meeting

The Motion was agreed.




6       Discussion of evidence - P-06-1207 Start referring to Welsh cities and towns by their Welsh names

The item was postponed until 7 March.





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